The examination regulations (Prüfungsordnung) and the study regulations (Studienordnung) of the master of sciences program „Chemistry of Materials“ have been published in the official notices (Verkündungsblatt de) of the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena.
The examination regulations (Prüfungsordnung) describe the framework for examinations within the master degree program. An english translation of the examination regulations is available herepdf, 168 kb · de.
The study regulations (Studienordnung), which are based on the examination regulations, give a description of the degree programme, which enables the student to pass the required examinations. An english translation of the study regulations is available herepdf, 116 kb · de.
Please note, that the translations of both regulations are for information only. The German original in its currently applicable version published in the journal of legal notices of the Friedrich Schiller University (Verkündungsblatt de) is the legally binding document.